Tuesday, March 11, 2008

weakness or strength?

Overcome the weakness….
Of love…???

Matters not, of which takes decision,
I have asked the mind…
It conflicts with the heart…
What finally wins matter…

Love is a weakness for many…
Is a strength for few…
What does bother you when its strength..
Go on… with love…
But bother if it’s a weakness…

I am standing on the thread of death…
My lord beckoning my soul
My souls have to be taken along…
Yet I can’t wait to reach His feet…

In a hurry, can anything be dropped?
Death swallows in its deepest hallows…
What can be dropped can be, but
Discriminating is arduous…
But discriminate no matter what...

I love you my soul…
I know I am still standing…
But can see you running…
Take me along…for life doesn’t come back again…
Not without you.

Weakness? Strength? Of love….???
What finally wins matters…
In love…
Can there be weakness at all?

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